Dance/Movement Therapy usually referred to simply as dance therapy or DMT, is a type of therapy that uses movement to help individuals achieve emotional, cognitive, physical, and social integration. Beneficial for both physical and mental health, dance therapy can be used for stress reduction, disease prevention, and mood management.
Cuddle Therapy fills a niche that is complementary to traditional talk therapy. The benefits of physical touch include lowered heart rates and blood pressure, feelings of love and acceptance, reduced symptoms of depression, and more. Many people who were denied touch in childhood could benefit from cuddle therapy
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) therapy is a meditation therapy that comes with alot of mental health benefits, though originally designed for stress management, it is being used for treating a variety of illnesses such as depression, anxiety, chronic pain, cancer, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and skin and immune disorders.
Pottery Therapy is one aspect of working with clay that doesn’t get the attention that it deserves. Pottery can help with stress reduction, enhance mood, boost confidence, and relieve pain. Pottery work creates a calming experience resulting in lowering stress levels, blood pressure, and heart rate and regulating breathing.
The Creative Process in Art Therapy often contributes to a sense of clarity for the individual, leading to greater self-awareness and understanding. Therapeutic art usually brings emotional expression, self-esteem improvement, and conflict management. Art therapy is particularly useful in addressing trauma, because of the unique capacity of art to express repressed traumatic imagery.
Indulge yourself in our specialized massage, manicure, and pedicure procedures targeted at helping you balance your mind soul and body. Massage therapy has been known to lower stress, decrease anxiety, and reduce irritability. Along with increasing brain serotonin and dopamine, the combination of these effects leads to a happier individual.
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